Making a CD with a Disc Image File

  1. If you haven't already done so, start the Dragon Burn application. When you first start Dragon Burn, the Dragon Burn window appears on the screen.

    If the Dragon Burn window is not currently on the screen, choose New Layout from the File menu.

  2. Click the CD Copy icon to open the "Copy a CD" window.

  3. Click the Add Image... button. A dialog box appears, prompting you to choose the CD image file, as shown in the following diagram:

  1. If necessary, use the pop-up menu to navigate to the folder that contains the CD image file. When you've found the file, click to select it (so it's highlighted), and then click the Select button to continue.

  2. Click the CD Writer tab.

  3. Select the target CD-R/RW recorder.

  4. Select the Option tab if you wish to modify your recording options.

  5. Click the Write CD button.

  6. Click the Write Disc button.

At this point, all of the data from the CD image file you chose in step #4 is used to create a new CD copy. When the process is complete, the Log pane is selected automatically, showing the results of the Copy procedure.